Monday, July 21, 2008


First of all, I'm starting to get all of the pictures that I took on my camera while we were in Pennsylvania on my computer and edited. They are turning out great since I've learned how to use my "photoshop" better. (I don't use Photoshop; I use this program called Photofiltre. It's the French version of Photoshop in English, and it works just as well and it's free.) Right now I'm working on the third picture, but I decided to take a break and update the blog.

Next, I got a new DeviantART. The name is really very simple, and it's a lot easier to remember than kailaathatssmee. You can now find me here. I'll no longer be updating the old one with anything else, besides a message saying that I moved. I decided to move after I couldn't make the watermark on the pictures smaller without changing the name. ;]

I also have my HotMail account for MSN set up as the "official" photography e-mail. The Yahoo account that I have now is getting flooded with (mainly) spam, colorguard information, Delia's sales information, colleges in South Africa that would like me to go to school there, and just a ton of stuff. This way, it'll be easier for me to have a seperate e-mail for photography, rather than trying to control the mass quantities of things coming through my Yahoo account. The e-mail is:

I should have all the pictures on the new DeviantART by either late tonight or tomorrow.

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