Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Self Portrait

Today I decided to give self portraits a try, since it's not something I do on a regular basis. On a scale of 1 to 10 on how hard it was, I'll give it a 7, mainly because I kept missing the self-timer and I didn't have a tripod, so I had to use a stack of books constantly.

Nevertheless, I thought I had a relatively good picture, until I loaded it on my computer and realized that I had the white balance messed up, and it made my face look blotchy and extremely shiny. I managed to fix it after about 15 minutes of editing (probably the most I've ever spent on a picture), and now it looks relatively good.

I didn't really do much to myself before I took the picture. The only thing I did was curl one side of my hair and add mascara; it's a very natural shot, in my opinion. Other than fixing the blotchy-ness of my face, I didn't really do much to the picture, other than change the contrast and the color a bit.

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