Monday, June 23, 2008


I would totally suggest reading the below post before you even THINK about reading this one.

So this picture of Eddie is what I would have submitted to the contest had I not been too late. The picture, at least to me... it speaks. I have no idea why, or anything, it just seems to portray an emotion. By just looking at it, I can almost feel the impact of the crash (had it not been staged), and that's why I love it.

I barely edited this picture, too. All I did was put a fog masque over it, which made it seems a little less bright and a little darker, which is what I had in mind for the picture.

Flickr & Contest Information

No new pictures today, although with only days left for the Nikon contest, I should probably get a move on. Anyway, I made a Flickr just now. Flickr is basically Yahoo's version of DeviantART, and I'll be uploading my pictures there as well. I'll put a link to my profile in the Links bar.

About the Nikon Camera contest, I have a lot of great ideas in mind, and I've been waiting for the right day to do it. So right after I hit "Publish Post," I'm going to go outside and get a move on, that way tomorrow I can edit them and submit them. I don't want to spoil the 'surprise' element by telling you some of my ideas, but they are sort of emotional kinds of things, and I'm trying to portray a ton of different emotions through the pictures.

On June 26, the contest ends, and I'll post the pictures that I've submitted (and the ones I haven't) on here for you to see before the judging begins.

Apparently, I read the contest information wrong, so when I went to go submit my picture today, it told me that submittions are over and that the voting would start on the 25th of June.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Sunset in Orange & Free D60

The sunset tonight was orange and yellow and just all-around pretty. The sillouette of the trees across the street also add to this picture. (Wow, that sounded extremely corny.)

Anyway, is having a contest for 60 people to win a NikonD60, which is only 20 numbers higher then the camera that I want- a NikonD40. Really, the only difference is mega-pixels, since the D40 has 6.1 and the D60 has 10.2. The camera that I have now has 7.2 mega-pixels, so I obviously want to step up, rather than step down.

[On the left, the NikonD40; on right, the NikonD60
Click on each thumbnail for more information on each camera]
So anyway, the D60 (or the D40) is the camera that I really want, and is giving 60 of these cameras away to the people that have the best "moving photograph"- whatever those words mean to the person. Then everyone will vote on their favorite picture, and the top 60 will get a free D60.
It's basically a free $700 camera.
So if I enter the contest, I really would like your help in voting for me so I really don't have to pay for the camera I really want.

Monday, June 2, 2008

This Is Poisonous

The above picture is of a flower/plant that is poisonous. I would highly suggest NOT consuming this plant/flower/thing if you were to come near it. In the words of our tour guide, "Do not sample the plants in the forest on a regular basis." word.

Here's another picture from Hightower Educational Forest that at 1:11am was just edited. It's amazing how editing skills(z) are improved when you're about to pass out. Still not able to reproduce parts of pictures without it looking... reproduced, but I'm still working on it, so it's okay.

Dahlonega Gold Mine

After the Hightower Educational Forest, we headed to a Dahlonega gold mine, called the Consolidated Gold Mine. We, at first, panned for gold, then proceeded to head almost 80 feet underground where it was dark and wet. Because of those conditions, even with the flash on, it was near to impossible to get a good picture of anything. I was midly surprised when this picture of a metal wagon-type thing actually turned out good with some editing.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Yellow Flower

This is probably one of my favorite pictures.

Hightower Educational Forest

I recently took a trip to Hightower Educational Forest with my brother's Boy Scout trip. While I was there, I managed to get a couple of really good shots that didn't require a great deal of editing.