Sunday, April 19, 2009

E-mail Address Information

If any of you are looking to contact me based on photography, please email me here:

Thanks. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009


NEW POST! + more

So... apparently I've become the photography expert in this house. Common questions recieved usually follow this context:

"What setting should I have this on?"
usually followed by:
"You just fix it."
And because of this, I've come to realize that I miss my camera a LOT. (For those of you who don't know, it broke way back in November (the screen won't work properly), and I haven't really done anything about it) The other day I managed to get mom's camera and take pictures of the cake pops she made and today I took Kelli's and took some nature (na-cha, for Kelli) pictures. I edited the ones from Kelli's camera and they turned out pretty nicely, so I'll put them in another post.
Here's what I've decided.
Any time I could possibly manage to get a camera away from someone, I will use it to my advantage. Because I really miss doing this.
I'm going to make a new post with the pictures (there's 7) :)